If you were lucky enough to get one, we hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday break.
Its 2017 and Romar Elements is well into the new year with custom Brewing Elements, Marine BBQ Elements, Vacuum Forming Elements and many more…
This year we will continue our focus on providing technical information, advice and variable manufacturing techniques which best suit the customers application.
As well as our custom products, some of our higher selling stock items of 2016 were:
Dog Wash elements – for Hydrobaths
Hot Water Urn elements
Commercial Steam Cleaner elements
Bain Marie elements – for food warmers
Bakery Proofer elements
BBQ elements
Do It Yourself elements – straight length element you bend to your requirements
If you need a heating solution for any application, send us an email or give us a call, our sales team are happy to help.
We hope 2017 will be a productive and enjoyable year for all.